Athboy, County Meath. 046 9432457
In St Elizabeth's Nursing Home, we cater for residents on a long-term residential care basis for the older person, physical disability, dementia care, intellectual disability, respite care, acquired brain injury, convalescent care and palliative care. We provide care to individuals according to his / her needs. Dependency levels are defined as follows:
Low dependency: This category refers to people who need some support in the community and the more independent residents in residential accommodation who require little nursing care. They are usually independently mobile but may use a walking stick and have difficulty managing stairs.
Medium Dependency: A person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requires residential care because the appropriate support and nursing care required by the person cannot be provided by the community. Mobility is impaired to the extent that the person requires supervision or a walking aid.
High Dependency: Independence is impaired to the extent that the person requires residential care but is not bed-bound. The person may have a combination of physical and mental disabilities, may be confused at times, and may be incontinent. He/she may require a walking aid and physical assistance to walk.
Maximum Dependency: A person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requires nursing care. The person is likely to be bed-bound, requires assistance with all aspects of physical care, and may be ambulant but confused, disturbed, and incontinent.
Environmental Facilities
St Elizabeth’s Nursing Home is made up of 22 single and 7 double bedrooms, all of which are equipped with nurse-call alarms, televisions, private telephone points, and have electronically adjusted orthopaedic beds. It is our intention as part of our ethos that the privacy of residents is respected.
We understand that personal space is essential, and therefore, we have developed St Elizabeth’s Nursing Home with plenty of facilities to cater to your needs.
Our facilities include:
A reception area, 1 dining room, multiple sitting rooms, a visitor’s room/quiet room, nursing station, and modern laundering and sluicing facilities. Decking and gardens are all secured, and car parking facilities are available for your use.